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Is your School

Drop-Off zones total chaos

Drop off zones at the school premises entails high organisational skills and procedures from the managers, which eventually still ends up in a chaos. Alpine Inc is here with an innovative product to deliver best in class solutions to navigate the chaotic and messy process of handover.

ALPINE INC is delivering excellence with affordability IoT based message display system solutions.

Turning Inspiration into Action: A Problem-Solving Journey.

Once there lived a gentleman. He lived with his wife and daughter. Every evening his wife would pick their daughter from her school and the man would come back from his office at night. But one day the gentleman reached home early so his wife asked him to pick their daughter from the school. He agreed and went to pick his child from the school. When the bell rang all the students along with their respective teacher came near the gate which became a huge crowd. So, it was difficult for him to recognize his daughter and he kept standing near the gate for a long time but he could not find his daughter. Then he went near the receptionist and asked about his daughter. The receptionist gave the details of  the class where he can find his daughter. Then he went near the classroom to pick her up and teacher questioned him why was he late to pick her? but he was unable to answer that he could not identify his own daughter. Later he found that most of the parents were facing the same problem. So, he decided to discuss this issue with the management. After the discussion, management came up with some solution and decided to leave the students according to their classroom by announcing the details in the announcement system. But only for few days the idea worked and the problem remained the same. Then by seeing the same condition he gave thought to it. After thinking for a long time, he came up with the idea called “Gate Q” in which smart cards are provided for each class teacher and the smartcard scanner would be installed near the drop-off zone and when the card is scanned the details of respected class which is left will be displayed on LED board and the parents of those class will go pick their children. By doing so, the crowd can be controlled.

Problems faced by Teachers, Parents and the School Management

  • Traffic congestion: High volumes of case or vehicles during drop-off & pick-up times can lead to traffic congestion causing delays and safety concerns.
  • Safety Hazard: Heavy traffic combined with hurried drivers can pose safety risks for students walking to and from the school.
  • Disorganization: Inefficient drop-off zones can result in disorganization & confusion making it difficult for parents & students to navigate the area.
  • Crowded drop-off areas may lead to slow (or) disorganized dismissal process, resulting in students waiting for extended periods.
  • It can be challenging for teachers to communicate with parents when the drop- off zone is crowded making it harder to relay important instructions.
  • Managing a crowded drop-off zone can be stressful for teachers leading to frustration & burnout.
  • When the drop-off zone at school gets crowded, it means there are lot of cars & parents trying to drop-off their kids at the same time. This can lead to traffic jams & longer wait times.
  • The presence of a large number of students can make it challenging for parents to locate their own child among the crowd. This can lead to anxiety and delays in picking up their child.


Drop-off zones at the school premises entails high Organizational skills and procedures from the manager which eventually still ends up in a chaos.

Alpine Inc is here with an innovative product to deliver best in class solutions to navigate the chaotic & messy process of handover.

To facilitate the whole process in a coordinated & controlled way we have “Gate Q” (IOT based message display system solutions) providing simple “three step formula” which brings order to this discord & makes it easy for both parents and schools.

Step 1: Each  class teacher is provided with an RFID card.

The card is scanned on the machine.

Step 2: Class details are flashed in the LED message board.

Step 3: Parents organize themselves accordingly & the kids from the respective class.

By now we are sure you must be assured of how Alpine Inc can bring ease to your Gate.So what are you waiting for Go for Alpine Inc advantage today!

The internet of things(IoT), is a network of interrelated devices that connect and exchange data with other IoT devices and the cloud increasingly, organizations in a variety of industries are using IoT to operate more efficiently, deliver enhanced customer service, improve decision-making and increase the value of the business. There are numerous real-world applications of the internet of things, ranging from consumer IoT and enterprise IoT to manufacturing and IoT. IoT applications span numerous verticals, including automotive, telecom and energy.
We are here with a solution for chaos at the drop-off zone at the school using IoT.

Students benefited.
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Teachers benefited.
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Schools benefited.

Display of the class details on the LED Board

Tutorial of the product

Step by step procedure for working of Gate Q can be seen in this video.

Whitefield Global school is already using the product and has given us great review/feedback about the convenience and ease it has brought in during dispersal and subsequently handover of the kids.

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